From Texas to Beyond is growing! Rebekah and I are proud to introduce our little bundle of joy, Ephraim! After 50 hours of labor, he arrived on December 6th weighing 7 pounds and 3 ounces, and measured 20 inches long. Rebekah and I are so excited for our family’s new addition. We hope he will be a great travel blogger some day!

Ephraim Shortly After Birth
Mom and son are now resting and recovering at home. This is a very exciting and exhausting time in our lives.

Ephraim and Rebekah Going Home
During the next few weeks, our posting will be limited, as we take care of little Ephraim and adjust to being a family of 3. We have a few guest posts lined up, including the conclusion of John’s miniseries recounting his journeys to Vienna, Kosovo, and Albania.
Once life settles down a bit (if that is possible), Rebekah and I look forward to concluding our series on Ljubljana and sharing more of our trip through Slovenia and Croatia.
We would like to THANK YOU for all of your continued support!

Ephraim’s Second Day Home
Talk to you soon…
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