I proudly introduce my sister, Rachel Cabal, as a guest blogger. Mom and Dad would would pile us in the van and take off for 1-2 week vacations across the US. They officially gave us the travel bug. We have spent time traveling in Texas, Belize, and recently met up in Madrid. From Texas to Beyond is excited to bring you her unique perspectives as an incredibly talented care giver for the aging. Rachel is a Licensed Recreational Coordinator for skilled nursing units, specializing in geriatrics. Today Rachel is sharing her perspective on The Art of Paris.
Every day I get to go to work and encounter elders. I hear stories about spirituality, life’s work, family, loss and celebration, and TRAVEL. Reminiscing about travel is a favorite activity for our elders and they invite me to present my impressions of places they traveled years before. In my Paris presentation, I included Père Lachaise Cemetery.
You might imagine that a review of a cemetery wouldn’t be an interesting topic for folks in their later years, but I love to share that I understand death to be a part of life and that cemeteries are tangible celebrations of lives. Père Lachaise is a visual, physical, and spiritual experience not to be missed when visiting Paris.

Jim Morrison’s Grave
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